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Title page
Yurii Onishchyk. Implementation of sustainable development goals: scholarly search for new approaches
Oleksandr Kravchenko, Taras Tkachuk. What should be the law "On trade secrets"?
Yurii Onishchyk. Financial liability for customs legislation offences: essence and challenges
Bohdan Shtyria, Mykola Titov. Humanization of punishments in Ukraine: practical issues of depenalization
Natalia Basai. Surrogacy programmes and children’s right to a family
Ihor Rymarenko. Family patronage as an innovation in the family law of Ukraine
Klavdiia Dubych. Imperatives for improvement in public administration of social service provision in Ukraine
Oseychuk Olena, Tetyana Semigina. “Guaranteed package” and equity in health for Ukraine (ENG)
Tetiana Stepurko, Nataliia Riabtseva, Pavlo Kovtoniuk, Martin Raab, Axel Hoffmann. Short-term education for health care administrators in Ukraine: Swiss-Ukrainian collaboration (ENG)
Information about the academic event
Victoriia Buiashenko. Sustainable development and the modern paradigm of education
Lesya Ditkovska. Detection of Academic Plagiarism as a Way to Ensure Quality of University Education (ENG)
Viktor Kravchenko. Some legal aspects of the formation of capable (united) territorial communities
Galina Kucher. Provision of social integration for people with disabilities
Andriy Sava. European experience of rural territories development: studying the opportunities for Ukraine
Iryna Sydorenko. The definition of quality in the management of domestic tourist companies
Yanina Tkachenko. Development of green banking in Ukraine